Some more news if interested
Giganews says it will continue carrying the microsoft.* newsgroups.
Google Groups is unlikely to drop them.
Microsoft is dropping their NNTP server (and thereby any peering to it).
Microsoft is not the Usenet, a worldwide mesh network of NNTP servers
over which Microsoft has no control (and partially the reason why they
are retreating to web-based forums). So you will lose the availability
of Microsoft's NNTP server to get at their pretend forums (aka
Communities) via their webnews-for-dummies gateway. Start looking
around for another NSP since they are likely to continue carrying the
microsoft.* newsgroups.
Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.
Post by Peter FoldesJános
You can install the NNTP Bridge and continue using your Thunderbird client
NNTP Bridge
And you can post your issues there in the Hungarian Forum as per below. I will
also be checking into that forum as I do here also
You can also try to send me a message to my storage account which is
only use that account to trap Spam and I only check in there 1 time a month and
delete everything at that time
Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.
Post by Zana JánosDear Peter,
How can I ask you if I run in trouble, after the newsgroup having closed by
Microsoft? Kind regards, János